Airway Pioneer Member
Frederick A. Moore

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Fred was born in Cambridge. Mass. in 1924 and calls Arlington MA and Clifton, VA his hometowns. He served as a pilot in the 10th Air force in the China-Burma-India Theatre during World War II and compiled 854 Combat Hours. His military awards include three Distinguished Flying Crosses and five Air Medals. He was an Air Route Traffic Controller at the Boston ARTCC from 1948 to 1960. During the latter portion of this period he was responsible for the programming and operation of one of the first five computer systems employed by FAA Centers. He was transferred to the Washington Office of the FAA in 1960. His assignments there included the ATC Requirements Division, the Office of Policy and Plans and the Office of International Aviation Affairs. He was deeply involved in the international aspects of ATC and participated in many meetings of the ICAO throughout the world. His last position was Chief of the International Operations and Procedures Branch of the Air Traffic Service.

After retiring from the FAA in 1980, he acted for 10 years as an ATC Consultant to a major aerospace firm. He lives in Northern Virginia, travels extensively with his wife Isabel, has become an amateur Geologist and continues to work on his golf game.

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Ron Cowles, Webmaster