Airway Pioneer Member
D. "Wayne Brimner

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I was born and grew up in Southern, CA and graduated from El Cajon Valley H.S. I worked in the grocery business while in High School and for about 6 months after graduation. I served in the Air Force from 1958-1962 as a radio operator. I served two years in Izmir, Turkey 1958-1960. I joined the FAA right after discharge from the service. I was in the FSS option for my entire career.

1962-1964 Thermal, CA. Trainee

1964-1965 Lovelock, NV Journeyman

1965-1967 Northway, AK Journeyman

1967-1968 Rawlins, WY Journeyman

1968-1970 Imperial, CA Watch Supervisor

1970-1972 Bryce Canyon, UT Chief

1972-1974 Grand Junction, CO Chief

1974-1995 Denver, CO Air Traffic Manager

Served in the Denver Regional Office as an Operations Specialist for a year during the Strike 1981-1982

Retired in 3/31/95, and moved back to Grand Junction, CO, where I spend my time building furniture, and working part time for a developer in the home building trades.

© Society of Airway Pioneers
Robert "Bob" Long, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster