Airway Pioneer Member
Robert F. Elgines

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I was born in 1935 and educated in Racine, Wisconsin. I joined the U.S. Air Force in 1954 as an Electronic Technician and was trained at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX, Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS, and severed the balance of fours years in the 1907th AACS at March AFB in Riverside, CA. In 1956 I started Aircraft Pilot training until my instructor was killed in a T-34 taking off from Sacramental, CA. I helped turn over the RAPCON and airport Radar equipment to the CAA in 1958.

After living in California a few years, we moved to Glendale, Arizona, in 1958, getting a position with the CAA in Phoenix, AZ at the PHX ARTCC (Air Route Traffic Control Center) located at Skyharbor Airport. Though the years I attended many schools in Oklahoma City at the CAA/FAA Academy. The electronic technician crew worked at the PHX ARTCC and PHX LRR (Long Range Radar) site located 35 air miles north of Skyharbor airport. I attended ASU (AZ State University) in 1960 and 1961 taking Engineering courses. While the Districts were active I was a District Radar Supervisor Relief for Phoenix and Tucson. The Phoenix Center closed in 1964 so my primary job was at the PHX LRR. In 1973 the USAF installed a Height Finder Radar and Operations Room at the PHX LRR, which we maintained also. Information was fed to the ABQ ARTCC, LAX ARTCC, USAF, US Border Patrol, and the US ARMY. I completed several special projects for the FAA Western Pacific Regional office and worked four months on the Brown Book (dealing with electronic communication through out the FAA and special positions) in Washington DC during the year of 1988. Some of my hobbies were Z-Cars, Radio Control Model Aircraft, and computers.

At the end of 1990, I retired and we moved to Lake Havasu City, AZ. Dee and I are both members of NARFE (National Association of Retired Federal Employees) and CRCC (Colorado River Computer Club) in Lake Havasu City. Our main attraction here is the London Bridge (the largest antique) brought over from London, England and reconstructed in the city. We raised eight children with the youngest at 36 years of age now.

In 1992, Raytheon called me to do some FAA contract work as a Resident Engineer installing Communication, Computer, and Radar equipment through out the FAA Western Pacific Region. I got to meet several old fellow workers and friends during my duties.

I have been in computers since the 70's and worked on main frames and PC's including TRS-80's, APPLEs, Atari ST, IBM's, and compatibles. Mostly self trained, I have completed some programming of software in MS Basic, GW Basic, ST Basic, Visual Basic, and machine language.

Presently I am the Newsletter Editor for both NARFE Havasu Chapter 1413, and CRCC. Dee and I are NARFE officers for the State of Arizona, AZ Federation District III Vice President and Executive Vice President. I am also Web Master for the AZ NARFE Federation Web Site

© Society of Airway Pioneers
Robert "Bob" Long, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster