Airway Pioneer Member
Robert R. "Bob" Stricker

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I started in the CAA March 15,1947 in IRK. Three days later they discovered they had made a mistake. I was to go to Hayes Center, NE. I proceeded to MKC and stopped for travel money. Proceeded to Marysville KS, my home, and then on to Hayes Center. I went to RSL in 1948 to open the new communications station. Left there 1952 for MKC Air Route traffic Control Center until 1956 when I went to Wichita KS Radar Approach Control. That was on Mc Connell AFB. We moved with the new radar to the Tower until retirement in 1972. Still live in Wichita 5 months of the year and McAllen TX 7 months.

© Society of Airway Pioneers
Robert "Bob" Long, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster