Airway Pioneer Member
Jan Tavrytzky

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Air Force Active Duty (May '86 - Dec '92)
- Top graduate, Commander's Award; F-16 training, MacDill AFB, FL, '88
- 8 TFW (Tactical Fighter Wing) Gunsmoke Team; F-16 Kunsan AB, ROK, '89
- 17 TFS (Tactical Fighter Squadron) Initial Fighter Squadron to deploy to Middle East (First time an F-16 had flown non-stop over 18 hrs with over 10 aerial refuelings) in response to Sadaam Hussein invading Kuwait, 363 TFW; Shaw AFB, SC, Aug '90
- Deployed to Desert Shield/ Desert Storm Fall '90/Spring '91
- Initial cadre for F-16C Blk 42 conversion
- Chosen to attend F-16 Fighter Weapons School, Nellis AFB, NV, Fall '92
South Carolina Air National Guard (Jan '93 - Oct '00)
- Chosen and attended F-16A Fighter Weapons School, Tucson, AZ, Spring '94
- Multiple TOP GUN Awards
- Started "Fighter Pilot for a Day" program for chronically ill kids
- Initial cadre for F-16A to F-16C Blk 50 conversion
- Mulitple deployments to Middle East as part of Operations Northern Watch (Incirlik AB, Turkey) and Operation Southern Watch (Qatar)
Air Force Reserve (Luke AFB, AZ Oct '00 - Jun '06)
- Instructor for F-16C RTU (Replacement Training Unit)
- Multiple TOP GUN Award

© Society of Airway Pioneers
Robert "Bob" Long, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster