Credit Card Payment |
Several members have asked for the option to pay membership and renewal fees online. To support this request we have signed up with PayPal to provide this very useful service to our members and prospective members. PayPal adds a fee to any transaction through their website and we will be passing that fee on for the convenience of using the online payment option. Robert "Bob" Long |
If you choose to use the online payment method select the payment you are making from the options below and click on the "Buy Now" button below that option. You will be re-directed to the PayPal site to select your payment options. When you are on the PayPal page you can login to your PayPal account if you have one. If you don't have an account you will need to click on the link below the PayPal Password block, it is labeled "Don't have a PayPal account? Click Here" This link will send you to a page where you can set up an account with PayPal or pay with a standard credit card. It is your choice. 1. Lifetime membership for a fee of $200.00 2. New Membership for a total of $20.00 ($15.00 + $4.00 Initial Fee + $1.00 PayPal fee) 3. Annual Dues for a total of $16.00 ($15.00 + $1.00 PayPal fee) <4. Post-Card renewal offer for a total of $26.00 ($25.00 + $1.00 PayPal fee) Thank you for supporting the Airway Pioneers.
Society of Airway Pioneers |