Credits to Bob Earl #3212 and Jerry Johnson #3582 |
AROUND THE SUN Since last year’s Directory was published, the SeaTac Aces held three annual meetings. The winter meeting was held at JJ’s Bar and Grill on December 8, 2011 just south of the SeaTac airport and the summer meeting was held at JJ’s on June 21, 2012. A small contingency met in Arizona on February 25, 2012, a time of year when Northwesterners flee to a warmer and dryer climate. |
JJ’s Bar and grill is located a few miles south of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Formerly known as the Fireside Inn; it was a meeting place for controllers to unwind after a busy tour of duty. While there, they would tell “war stories” detailing complexities of their most recent air traffic control experiences. Another favorite topic might have been how to cope with facility supervisors at work or their spouse when they go home. Now in retirement, they can hardly remember any air traffic control experiences but their longevity has given them appreciation of the comfort and companionship they enjoy in the company of their loved ones at home. Conversation these days degenerates to health and medical issues. These tired warriors grope for words to explain their most recent medical procedure or how to pronounce the medications that give them relief. Even though the topics of conversations have morphed over the years, it is still a good thing to visit with old, I mean old, friends. Arizona Gathering: Notice the February 25 temperature (79F) depicted on the wall thermometer at the Arizona gathering.
At JJ's on June 21, 2012
At JJ's on December, 2012
Sea-Tac Luncheon Pictures, Thursday 12/18/2012
Society of Airway Pioneers |