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Thanks to Linda and Ken Drews, we had a very successful reunion in Houston November 24-27, 2002. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, so the scheduled golf outing was not held, but the wives persuaded the husbands to turn it into a shopping day.

In attendance were Doug and Freddie Anderson, Ken and Linda Drews, Jim and Mary Lou Etgen, Tony Froehlich, Doyle and Betty Herrington, Ed and Pamela Phillips, Chuck and Jan Stith, Jim and Phyllis Ulmer, Ted and Mary Zaemes, and, of course, me, Warren Lichtenberg. Thanks to Doyle for the following pictures.

During our deliberations (if you want to call them that), we tentatively decided to hold our next reunion in May 2004 at Oklahoma City.

Ed Philips, Betty Herrington, Jim Ulmer (back), Jim Etgen, Warren Lichtenberg and Pamela Philips

Warren Lichtenburg, Ed Phillips, Chuck Stith, Ken and Linda Drews

Chuck Stith, Kean and Linda Drews @ Table 1, Betty Herrington, Jim and Mary Lou Etgen @ Table 2, Warren Lichtenburg, Pamela and Ed Phillips @ Table 3

Ted Zaemes and Warren Lichtenburg

Mary Zaemes

Ed Phillips, Freddie and Doug Anderson

Ted Zaemes, Chuck Stith, Ed Phillips, Jim Ulmer, Doug Anderson, Warren Lichtenberg, Ken Drews, Jim Etgen
Front: Mary Zaemes, Pamela Phillips, Freddie Anderson, Betty and Doyle Herrington


Mary Lou and Jim Etgen, Ken and Linda Drews, Jan and Chuck Stith

Freddie and Doug Anderson, Jim Ulmer, Pamela and Ed Phillips

Doug and Freddie Anderson, Phyllis Ulmer, Ed and Pamela Phillips

Doyle Herrington (standing) talking to Freddie Anderson and Ed and Pamela Phillips

© Society of Airway Pioneers
Robert "Bob" Long, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster