very own Treasurer, Bob Ervin #3517,
after giving a talk on his ATC Career with the FAA

On the right is Bill Bertakis, the President of the
Keego Harbor Optimist
Just Returned from an F-106 Ride
to Remember
March 17, 1964

Beginning with lower left and going
counterclockwise: Arvin Basnight, Jim Strnad, "Spike" Speiselman,
unknown, Don Willis, Dave Thomas, Bill Cramer, Lee Warren, Oscar
Bakke, Maurice Graddo, unknown, Red Chandler, Harry Collignon
(Boston Center), Frank Heller (Boston Tower), Ed Barrow, Tom
Rasberry, Joe Regan, unknown, unknown, unknown, Jim Holtsclaw
Note: If anyone can identify the
unknown team members, please let us know.
11th Annual
Bremerton, WA, Blackberry Festival Fly-In
Credits to Bob E. (#3253)
Bob Eskridge's (#3253) birthday cake was
presented at the Eleventh Annual Bremerton Blackberry Festival
Fly-In. The Pilot's and Tenant's Association of the airport, of
which I am a member, co-sponsors the event with the Port of
Bremerton, operator's of the airport. The Fly-In coincides with
the Blackberry Festival in the city of Bremerton. Shuttle buses
transport folks to and from downtown so the people flying in can
partake of the festivities downtown which makes it a real family
affair. The local EAA chapter sponsors a Young Eagles day at the
same time which is quite a draw, also. Typically, they fly
around a hundred and twenty or so kids.
Surprisingly, I've had to explain, on more than one occasion,
that the 701,265 hours depicted on the cake is the equivalent of
80 years; That'll be my age on my birthday. Just last month, my
medical was renewed for two years and my driver's license for
five years. Life is good!

Photos taken of this years Fly-In by our
Official Club Photographer Pat Schafer.
Bill Vitale #3690
I believe this photograph of nine FAA Administrators is
the only time this many former Administrators gathered together
for a photograph. It appears that Engen at some point in his
time at FAA {1984-1987} called in all of the former
Administrators for a meeting and had a photograph taken to
record the event.
I had the pleasure of knowing seven of the nine during my
time at the FAA. I knew Halaby when we both worked at the
Pentagon in Secretary of Defense Forrestal's office. Halaby is
the person who counseled me about going to law school. I was
working as an Air Force Aide to Mr. Forrestal and Halaby was
working in the International Office. This was during the
1948-1949 time period.
In the case of McKee, I came to the FAA from NASA with McKee.
Quesada came to visit McKee many times and I often was able to
talk with him. Also, while Dave Thomas was acting Administrator,
Quesada flew with us on N-3 to Cape Kennedy to watch one of the
Apollo space shots.
Shaffer asked me to remain on the job and help him. This
resulted in my being in the Administrator's office for almost
eight years. I requested the move to Airports as the Deputy to
Clyde Pace and a year later Butterfield promoted me to the
Director's job. This was before fast Fredie talked Butterfield
into moving Airports to the Office of Plans. The move never took
place. McLucas was a bit of a problem. He objected to the 85
million dollars we granted to the airport at St. Thomas and was
negative about the two surplus former military airports I saved
in Kansas. Bond was good. He game me the complete authority to
approve all airports grants regardless of the dollar amount.
The certificate on the wall in back of Langhorne M. Bond and
Najeeb E. Halaby, is from the National Aviation Club and has
Engen's name on it.

Left to Right - FAA Administrators, Donald D. Engen, J.Lynn
Helms, Alexander P. Butterfield, John McLucas, Elwood R. (Pete)
Quesada, John H. Shaffer, Langhorne M. Bond, Najeeb E. Halaby.
Seated - William F. McKee
Sabra Kaulia #3652 and Ron
Morgan #3703 were married on June 24, 2007 in North Myrtle
Beach, SC, on their boat at the Barefoot Marina and Yacht Club.
"Yes, we are very happy!!! Life has many curves, some of them
are terrific! We have just returned from the second part of our
honeymoon - fishing in Alaska. It was great, Ron caught a 56
pound King Salmon, and we got lots of Halibut too. So, finally I
have been able to do some picture scanning, and attached are a
couple of pictures from the wedding. And yes, the name change is
occurring, so it is Sabra Morgan now!!! "

Ted and Virginia Beckloff
Enjoying a dinner boat ride on the Great Salt Lake early in
Surprise 75th Birthday Party,
April 21st for Jack Goslin
Photo's by Bob Ervin #3517

Dick Sova, Hank Anderson, Ed Kuczajda, Jack Goslin, Rick Dawson,
Bob Ervin |

Dick Sova, Hank Anderson |

Colleen Goslin (Creator of the Surprise Party) |

Jack and his daughter Colleen |

A very thoughtful idea by Jack's daughter |

Jeff (Jack's son), Jack, and Colleen |
Don Bob's
(Roberts) #3394, 75th Birthday Party. March 10, 2007
Photographs provided by Jimmie Haralson #3595

Bob Brekke, Chuck Warner, Frank Jones |

Chuck Warner, Betty & Max Hackett |

Dave Ross, June & Ken Krohn |

Don Roberts, Ellie Russel, Doug LaPage |

Betty Nolan, Shirley Henshaw, Bob Nolan |

Bev Panter, Don Roberts |

Frank Jones, Bill Henshaw |

Frank Jones, Ruby & Dave Ross, Jim Panter |

Frank Jones, Doug LaPage |

Ken Krohn, Jimmie Haralson |

Don and Doris Roberts |

Ellie Brekke, Bev Panter, Jim Pante |

Linda Murray, Eileen Partridge, Ruby Ross, Bev Panter,
Jackie Jones, Shirley Henshaw |

Max Hackett, Jim "Bird" Partridge |

Max Hackett, Linda Murray, Shirley Henshaw, Jim "Bird"
Partridge, Bev & Jim Panter |

Jim Panter, Betty & Max Hackett, Jim "Bird" Partridge |

Ken Krohn, Judy & Fred Kelly |

Linda Murray, Jim "Bird" Partridge |

Shirley Henshaw, Betty Nolan |

Shirley Henshaw, Betty Nolan |

Chuck Warner, Jim "Red" Turner |

Pat Faux, Max Hackett |

Ruby Ross, Jim Panter, Bev Panter, Bob Smith |
Great Lakes
Region reunion
The biennial Great Lakes Region reunion was
held in Venice, FL on February 7th and 8th. Bob and Norma
Sluyter made the arrangements with an assist from Tom and Cathy
Cummings. Everything was great and we all enjoyed the get
together as always. It is amazing that no one changes or ages in
two years. The turnout was a little smaller than usual, but what
we lacked in quantity etc. etc. etc.. Maybe the younger ones
don't like to travel so much these days.
There were two decisions made while we were there: 1) Ted
Carroll should write a book. 2) Jacque Burdette will host the
next reunion. (You see what happens Jacque when you don't show
Now, according to my recollections, which aren't too darned
good, this was our 8th reunion since we started in 1991. We
skipped the one that Don Beeson hosted, mostly because somebody
flew a couple of airplanes into buildings. Don should be given
another chance.
All of the pictures were
taken by Farrell Smith. |

Tom Cummings |

Luanna Beeson |

Don Beeson & Ted Carroll |

Bob Flower |

Bruce Hiles |

Faye Carroll and Luanna Beeson |

Bob Sluyter |

Rosa Hiles |

Don Beeson |

Farrell and Mickey Smith |

Back row, Joan Flower, Faye Carroll and Cathy Cummings
Front row, Rosa Hiles, Mickey Smith and Luanna Beeson |

Back row, Ted Carroll, Don Beeson, Tom Cummings and Farrell
Front row, Bob Flower, Bruce Hiles and Bob Sluyter |

Cathy Cummings |

Faye and Ted Carroll |
The Sorta-reunion
Guess I should have had someone else take the
picture so I'd have been in it.
Bob Bishop #3290

L-R Ron Johnston, Hank Barbachano, Curt Renville, Lee Jones,
Joe Pidd and Bill Garber
Deb and Bob Ervin #3517 (Society Treasurer)
in attendance at a recent Saint Andrews Society Robert Burns
dinner in Southeastern Michigan. Deb's sash and Bob's tie are
their clan tartan, "Ancient Irvine." Along with a cumber bun,
this tie and a dark suit, are considered appropriate Scottish
evening wear. For formal wear use a tux. This is for guys who
don't want to wear a kilt. At 5 below zero, I'll take the suit,
thank you very much!
We played at the St. Andrews Society last night as background
music while the members packed boxes for the servicemen and
women in Iraq.
This is an effort that is spearheaded by the Vietnam Vets
Association and a couple of those guys were there to show us how
to properly pack these care packages. The members packed 74
boxes, of donated goods, in a little over an hour.
In addition, our musical group Raggle Taggle donated two of
their recently acquired T shirts for a 50/50 raffle that netted
$165.00 to be used to purchase phone cards for the servicemen

Poncho and Dick Reynolds #3563 on a rainy day
talking about "the older you get, the better you were."
"The 2007 DTW
Controllers/Society Of Airway Pioneers Reunion was enjoyed by
all who attended in Orlando, FL. If your ears were burning on
January 19 & 20, it is because we were talking about you. You
know how it is when former ATC types get together. Lots of
memories were renewed and opinions expressed. We remembered
having a great time at the annual corn roast at Floyd and Judy
Hedlund's house; Lonnie and Odette Parrish shared their
experience with selling their Virginia home and buying a new
home in Florida; Eddie and Ann Malo telling us about historic
preservation efforts they are involved with; and many other
events that seemed to come up. Each year we have someone new
show up and it is always fun to hear where they have been and
where they are now.
As in the past, we want to thank Tom and Barbara Jones for
arranging everything. We look forward to our next reunion." |

Ted Beckloff and Tom Jones |

Debbie Ervin and Susanne Carey |

Ed Malo and Bob Ervin |

Floyd Hedlund, Ted Beckloff and Tom Jones |

Lonnie and Odette Parrish |

Mary Jane Dawson and Barbara Lott |

Floyd Hedlund, John Carey, Ron Tuck and Hank Anderson |

Bob Ervin, Ed Malo and Lonnie Parrish |

Judy Hedlund, Ann Malo, Odette Parrish and Gloria Tuck |

Doug Lott and Rick Dawson |

Ann Malo and Odette Parrish |

Floyd and Judy Hedlund |

Ed and Ann Malo |

Linda Cass and Tom Jones |

Tom and Barbara Jones (our Hosts) |

Virginia Beckloff, Judy Hedlund, Barbara Lott and Debbie Ervin |

The Ladies ! |

The Guys ! |

Hank and Connie Anderson |

Linda and Don Cass |

John and Susanne Carey |

Ron and Gloria Tuck |

Ron Tuck and Debbie Ervin |

Odette and Lonnie Parrish |

Doug and Barbara Lott |

Our Society Co-Editors, Rick and MJ Dawson |

Debbie and Bob Ervin |

Our Hero |