Burbank Lockheed Air
Terminal Control Tower circa 1958-1960
Credit to E. Paul Schultz #2256

Standing - John Hill, At Microphone - E. Paul Schultz, Third
Person - Unknown

At Microphone - John Milo Martin, Standing Left - Shirley
Smith Chief Burbank Tower
Standing Right - E. Paul Schultz
Credit the
following remarks and photos to Ken Carr #3433.
"I believe these pictures were taken at a
going away party for Dan Carr #3474 and Dick Miller #3493 in
late 1973 or early '74. Dan was leaving AWP-510 for Chief of ATL
Center and Miller was leaving AWP-540 for Chief of Miramar."

01 Ken Carr #3433, Marion Davis #3445, Jack Cutter, and Gerry

02 Dan Carr #3474 and Ray Zazzetti #3679

03 Dan Carr #3474, Ken Carr #3433, Marlin Binger #3500, Marion
Davis #3445, Jack Cutter and Gerry Bogan

04 Dick Miller #3493, Richard Cox #2978 and Marlin Binger #3500

05 (Big) Bob Smith, Jim Holtsclaw #2738, Marion Davis #3445 and
Gerry Bogan
Credits to:
Fred Kelly #3468
The following photographs are about the "Kelly's
Survivors" golf group that enjoys an event once a year in
Mesquite Nevada. {approximately 80 miles north of Las Vegas}.
In 1994 two golfers played a few days of golf in Mesquite, NV
(80 miles north of Las Vegas). Over the years the event has
grown to 32 players. (As of 2007). Most are FAAers both retired
and still active. Most are/were associated with the Western
Pacific Region. The others are friends along for the fun during
the three day invitational tournament.
The pictures are of a few FAA'ers that showed up to say Hi but
didn't play. {Don Roberts and Ken Krohn}. Although the picture
quality isn't perfect, see who you can recognize.
Retired: Curt Alms, Bob Biava, Bob Cook, Larry Fortier, Frank
Jones, Fred Kelly, Bill McNeil, Frank McPherson, Jim Nyhus,
Jerry Nolan, Vic Parker, Don Ralph, Tony Rivas, Larry Suppan,
.Jim Turner.
Active: Jim Burgan. Kevin Teare, Rod Lindbeck,

Credits to
Fred Kelly #3468:

The Los Angeles Pilot Education Program Team from the late
60’s/ early 70's. The picture was taken outside the FAA Hanger
on Imperial Highway on the south side of LAX international
airport. I'm the second from the left in the first row.

The first class of the Enroute Weather Advisory Service (EWAS)
at the Academy in OKC in May-June 1972. (I'm the first on the
left in the second row). EWAS was first started up along the
West Coast and later expanded to cover the entire system. It was
designed to provide real-time weather to airborne aircraft. As I
recall the first four facilities were: SBA, PDX OAK and LAX
Flight Service Stations. The service was later renamed Enroute
Flight Advisory Service (EFAS). As far as l know it is still
operating today.
Credits to
Don Tyson #3495:
After WW2 there was a rush for Hams the world
over to get back on the air. The Hams with Panagra were no
exception. The main problems were the lack of Peruvian licenses,
radio parts and/or equipment. Due to the cooperation of the US
and Peruvian officials, Peruvian amateur radio operator licenses
were obtained relatively easy. Obtaining radio parts and
equipment was a different story. Electronic stores that dealt in
Amateur equipment were practically non-existent, so that is
where the problems were.
It so happened that during WW2 and some time prior to that, a
spare box of radio parts was carried aboard each aircraft that
included the vacuum tube 807 that was quite suitable for both
amateur and commercial use. As the 807 tube began missing from
the spare parts box a surprising number of transmitters (under
construction) could be found in Lima and other parts of the
Panagra System. It was about this time the Panagra officials
decided that the spare radio parts box (airborne) was
impractical. So the search began. A tin cookie box from Santiago
was just about right for a small rig. (the cookies were not bad
A 6.3v ac fil transformer was found in a remote part of Buenos
Aires. It was transported out of Argentina and into Peru without
customary procedures (import/export licenses etc; a 6L6 with a
220/10 ac (?) made a Heising (?) modulator (no pre- audio amp).
The receiver consisted of an all band meisner (?) kit with a
single tube converter (10 Mtrs). All power was supplied from the
receiver. A measured 8 watts am was fed into the 3 EL beam, T
-match and rotated by a bomb bay motor. Needless to say after a
few minutes of operation the rig had to be turned off to allow
it to cool off. Ten meters was wide open in those days and we
were operating in the foreign phone band. Running ten watts or
less we had a ball.
Adios Amigos, bien viaje y buena suarte!

#1 Senior Flight Communications Officer, Pan American-Grace
(Panagra), Donald B.Tyson (194?), Lima Peru, Contemplating the
work which meant -
#2 Brass Pounding! Lima-Panama 12 hours block to block
#3 Checking the 3 el. 10 meter beam
#4 Final touch with a bit of help form the junior op.
#5 Three el. ten meter beam, T matched and rotated with a bomb
(B-24) motor.
#6 The home QTH of Don Tyson, 0A41, Lima Peru, 1946-1949
Ken Cohen hosted his
monthly SOAP meeting on June 4, 2008 at Tony Lin's Chinese
Restaurant in Rockville, Maryland. Seventeen people came out to
hear Warren Lichtenberg give a slide show presentation of his
February trip to Cuba. A write up of Warren's trip can be found
on the SOAP web site. The slides
showed life in six Cuban cities; Havana, Santa Clara, Camaguey,
Cienfuegos, Trinidad, and Sancti Spiritus. A lively question and
answer session followed the presentation.

Warren Lichtenberg

Ed Van Dyne, Len Bosin, Naomi Lichtenberg, Larry Kotzker,
Charlie Newpoll

Jim Small, and Wife, Pat Holloway, Ed Vandyne, Len Bosin

Ken and Marge Cohen, Herb Brody, John Nigro

John Nigro, Bill Ornett, Gene Chirillo

Dave Spokley and Wife, Vic Foose
Tom and
Barbara Jones stopped by their old stomping grounds in the
Detroit area to have dinner with friends, July 17, 2008
Jim Holtsclaw #2738

Tom and Barbara Jones

Mary Jane Dawson, Barbara Jones, Debbie Ervin, Carol

Rick Dawson, Bob Ervin, Jim Holtsclaw, Tom Jones

Carol and Jim Holtsclaw

Rick Dawson, Bob Ervin
DC-3 Cockpit
Nick Boyiazis #3400
The following photos of me
several months ago are at the LAX Flight Path Learning Center of
Southern California. For our friends that may not have seen a
DC-3 cockpit for awhile...

USAF Memorial
Credits to Jim Davis #3622

Photo by Alex Kvassay, Lear Jet Retired.
Airmen Ainsley K Fullard-Leo (USAF)
Raymond P. Buday (USAF)
Emerson P Whaley (USAF)
Larry Fortier (USAF)
Jim Holtsclaw (USAF)
Bill Leisher (USN)
A “kid” points out your campaigns … alas the “kid” was present
for only two.
"I’m gonna get a haircut on
"King One Eight Tower, Wild
Boar Two, thirty north, two F9’s … Wild Boar One is shot up
pretty bad and fuel is spraying from his right wing … he ain’t
talking and is leaning forward … seems to be holding onto to my
wing ok … flames just started in his nose … oh … and he has a
250 pounder hanging … we’ll land any runway … and call Leisher …
tell him to bring the pliers and the biggest hammer they got …
we might need some bailing-wire too … we may have to declare an
emergency … listening … out! "
Submitted by Ruby and Dave Ross #3541
We made a trip up to the DC area
recently to visit our dear friends Harry and Audrey Hink and
realized a lot of readers may not know Harry and what an
interesting life he has led. We decided Harry certainly would
make a good story for SOAP. Most people out there knew or knew
of Harry’s big brother Lynn Hink, who we lost this past January,
but some may not know Harry. Harry also retired from the FAA as
a Division Manager in Airports, but there is more…(ed.note.....and
it will appear in the 2008 50th Anniversary Annual).
For a preview click here.

P27 Formation

Audry and Harry

Crew 27 Guam

Harry and Dave

Harry Hink
Photos for
the 50th Anniversary Annual
Jerry Long #2514

SOAP Founder William A. Breniman and past Executive Director
Geraldine L. Curtis.
"I wish I had said that."

Left to Right Wesley Martyn, William Breniman, Leon Daugherty
"Yes Bill, being Executive Director is hard work!"

Past Executive Leon Daugherty
"Yes - I know how this thing works"

Jerry Long SOAP Area Director N. CA, N.NV and OR
"OK people - stop picking on me or I'm out of here"

Past Executive Director Leon C. Daugherty with June and Jerry
"Sorry folks - there is no more room"
sculpture is in front of the Air and Space museum at
Dulles and is called "Ascent"
Jo Wenzel #2803 |
Selfridge Gang
Bob Earl #3212

This picture taken in 1958 is of four airmen on leave for a
few days at a lake in Michigan. We all went into the FAA after
leaving Selfridge (AFB) RAPCON and Tower. In the picture, from
left to right, Dick Gould, Bob Earl behind/Les Braham front, Lee
Hollrah Tower and Don Dunn
Dick Gould may have worked in the Detroit TRACON, Les Braham may
have worked in the Detroit area also, Lee Hollrah was at SeaTac
Tower until 1981 and Don Dunn was at the Bay TRACON and ZOA as
well. Bob Earl (that's me) was all over the place - enroute and
terminal as follows: ZLA, TCM, ZSE, EDW, BFI, SEA RNT ANM, YKM
COS, LAS and 7 years contract at CHD (Chandler FCT Arizona). I
retired as AATM at LAS in 1994.
Bill Nimmo
#2663 and his wife Susan

FAA Luncheon
March 6, 2008
Fremont, California
Submitted by: Forney Lundy
#2683 and Ron Johnston #3002

Front row, left to right: Forrest West; Louis Martin;
Ron Johnson; Bob Torrey; Phil Smith; Rex Elwell and Bob Anolin.
Back row, left to right: Glen Coon; Dan Tellez; Elif
Anderson; Jack Williams; Kurt Cooper; Lowell Thorsen; Hoot
Gibson; Forney Lundy; Bill Garber; Karen Prijatoe; Jack Hughes;
Bob Sauers; Bob Bishop and Frank Micco. |