ZDC Retirees Luncheon
Credits to Al Benson #2290

Today the ZDC retirees met for their monthly
luncheon at Shenanigans. The first picture is of
Jack Roth on the left and John Summers. John entered
CAA/FAA around 1946.
He was for two years in
a Flight Service Station . He came to ZDC in 1948 .
Sometime in the early seventies, he was a Watch
Supervisor at ZDC, but decided to transferred to the
Area Office in Falls Church. He was the Operations
Officer. When they did away with the area office, he
went to Central Flow. John retired around 1979.
I would say John was the oldest former ZDC
member, that may be still living in the area.

Bethesda Luncheon 2012
Credits to Warren
Lichtenberg #3161

Warren Lichtenberg, Larry Langweil, Art Fineberg, Larry
Williams, Brooks Goldman, Joe Del Balzo

Murray Boris, Vick Foose, Jerry Bradley, -----

Jerry Lavey, Gary Skillicorn, -----

Teena Phillips , Ed Kelly, Dave Lantzy

------, Marlene Thomas, Teena Phillips

John Horrocks, -----, John Nigro

John Nigro, Jerry Trainor, Jorge Lugo

Al Thomas, Mike Zywokarte, Dres Zellweger

Brooks Goldman, Joe Del Balzo

Larry Langweil, Art Fineberg, Larry Williams, Brooks

Al Thomas, Mike Zywokarte, Dres Zellweger, John Horrocks

----, Murray Boris, Vick Foose

Harry Smetana, George Quinn, Frank Carr

Marlene Thomas, Teena Phillips, Ed Kelly, Dave Lantzy,
Jerry Lavey

Dres Zellweger, John Nigro, Jerry Trainor, Jorge Lugo,
Barbara Kenafake, Al Thomas, Mike Zywokarte

Marlene Thomas, Teena Phillips
Thought you would enjoy pictures of our recent trip to
Boston, with our friends from England, Peter Sylvia Clark.
We stayed at the Newbury Guest House on Newbury Street.
Pictures are of the guest house, the four of us at a park
near Charles River. The old Iron Sides, Constitution. Bunker
Hill monument, Warren Tavern, the oldest tavern in USA. (
1780 ). Revere, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington
frequented the tavern. North Church, where Paul Revere
started his ride. Picture of cobble stone street. The area
in pre-revolution was under water and was filled in and it's
now called back bay area of Boston. Picture of MIT and
Charles river, Large administrative building at Harvard,
George Washington Head Quarters. Ralph Waldo Emerson's
house. Concord, Ma. Cemetery where the patriots were buried
in Concord, Ma. North Bridge, where the first shots occurred
in revolutionary war. Concord, Ma. Atlantic Fish restaurant,
where we ate on last evening of our stay in Boston. Boston
at night. Newbury street taken from our room. Old South
Church. Trinity Church. John Stapleton Copley statue, Copley
Square. Al Benson #2290

I attended a Basic
Military Training graduation at Lackland last week. class="style14">
On August 23 I stopped at
Tucson, en route First Aero Squadron Aerodrome, Columbus, NM
to Riverside, CA (FlaBob Airport) for lunch with Colonel
Bill Lafferty, USAF Retired. The very last of the B-36
drivers. Bill was in on the Berlin Airlift on the first
night too ... they lifted the daylight only restriction and
ordered him to fly the corridor at night on that opening of
festivities ... The USAF's first cold-war victory.
Bill insisted that we dine at Hooters so we could meet
Ashley. Barry and I reluctantly agreed to do so.
Credits to Jim Davis #3622
Che Guevara Memorial
in Santa Clara, Cuba February 2012
Charlie Newpol #2209 and Warren
Lichtenberg #3161 standing in front of the Che
Guevara Memorial in Santa Clara, Cuba February 2012.
Cruisin’ with Family
Jim Holtsclaw #2738
In February 2012, Carol
and I gathered family (grown children and
grandchildren, 14 in all) and embarked on an
adventure leaving from Port Canaveral Florida aboard
Carnival Ecstasy for a five day cruise with stops in
Key West, Nassau, and Freeport.
Apart from a
few members experiencing mild seasickness, two days
of rain and daughter-in-law falling on wet deck
(outcome….broken shoulder) a fun time was had by

Our ship

Jim enjoying refreshments on board with family

Fun in the hot tub in Key West during record setting
4-1/2" of rain

Some of the family at dinner

Jim and Carol

Local guide on beach in Nassau

Youngest grandson trying to embrace an aquarium
resident at the Atlantis Hotel on Paradise Island

Restaurant on Freeport Beach
What's a road cyclist do
on an off day? Now I know
where the expression "my ass is draggin'" comes from.
Dick Reynolds #3563

Birthday Party for Rosie
The occasion was the birthday party for
Rosie Hunt who turned 95 on Jan 10, the day before I turned
80! Held at the Oakland County Boat Club in Sylvan Lake, Mi.
We played 4 hours for pizza and beer, our usual pay!
Credits Bob Ervin #3517
Gene Vale, turned 90 last summer, WWII bomber pilot;
Betty Fornier, 85; Standing, Pat McCarroll, keyboard; Eddie
Joseph, with hat, drums. These two guys are both early 60's
and still working. And the Society Treasurer Bob Ervin.
Photos taken at the
Village Inn, Grand Junction CO, 8/17/11 by Ed Marvin

L-R Jim Wilds, Ray Gauna (NWS), Gary Chancy
(NWS), George Wong, Mel Southam (across from Wong),
Virgil Bearidge, Ray Drake, Ed Marvin

L-R Mel Southam (being seated), Virgil Bearidge,
Ray Drake, Ed Marvin
 Gini Bright

L-R Jim Wilds, Ray Gauna (NWS) Gary Chancy
(NWS), George Wong
Following photo taken by Ed Marvin #2452 at Sea
Ranch South Padre Island TX

L-R Ed Marvin, Isabel Marvin, LeRoy Lawson, Joan